Why Choose the Attorneys for Freedom

We know there are many law firms competing for the privilege of representing you in your legal matter. We also know that when it comes to seeking legal representation, you need to choose wisely.
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Marijuana Is Legal In Arizona…Well, Not Really

Marijuana Is Legal In Arizona...Well, Not Really. Many people erroneously believe that marijuana was legalized under Prop 207 in Arizona. Of course, this is not the case. It was really just decriminalized with certain conditions. You can still get into legal trouble with marijuana in Arizona if you don't know what the facts are concerning Prop 207.
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Atty Marc Victor – Questions Mount Over Maricopa County Attorney Allister Adel & Death Penalty Cases

Atty Marc Victor - Questions Mount Over Maricopa County Attorney Allister Adel & Death Penalty Cases
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Are Rare Breed FRT-15 Triggers Legal or Illegal?

We’ve been receiving a lot of inquiries regarding the Rare Breed FRT-15 triggers and whether they are legal or not. I would first like to note that I DO NOT have a dog in this fight, and I am not representing either side. It is also important for me to note that I am also not a technical firearms specialist, so I can’t tell you specifics of how this trigger works.
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Fighting the Governor’s Executive Orders on COVID in Hawaii

Attorney Marc J. Victor recently argued at the Hawaii Court of Appeals that the Hawaii Governor's endless emergency proclamations over COVID are illegal and unconstitutional.
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Mayhem in the Sky – Airline Misconduct & Violence

As a criminal defense attorney, I would like to know, what the hell is going on with airline travel these days? I keep seeing stories of airline passengers assaulting airline employees as well as other passengers. Has everyone lost their damn minds? There are things you need to know about this.
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