Setting Aside a Conviction in Arizona

In Arizona, a set aside is a legal process that allows individuals who have been convicted of a criminal offense to set aside the conviction and have their civil rights restored. Once a set aside is granted, the individual is considered not to have been convicted of the offense, and the civil rights that were lost as a result of the conviction, such as the right to vote or possess a firearm, are generally restored.
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Petition to Seal Records (AZ)

Record sealing in Arizona allows eligible individuals to “hide” their records from all but a select few parties, including law enforcement, victims, and some future employers and rental companies. Find out how you can file a petition to seal your records for FREE.
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CCW Safe Policy Review

CCW Safe is a legal service membership plan that offers unlimited legal coverage for concealed carry defense. However, we have discovered some potential drawbacks and exclusions in their policy that are worth considering taking a second look.
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Firearms Legal Protection Self-Defense Policy Review

Firearms Legal Protection is one of many gun insurance companies on the market and per your request, we've reviewed their policy and found some interesting facts that we'd like to share.
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The Truth About Gun Insurance Policies

Even though many of these gun insurance policies cover things like firearms training, bail bonds, scene cleanup, and lost wages, they often have many exclusions to their coverage because they cannot insure in the cases of criminal offenses.
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Reaction to FBI Raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home

I urge everyone to use caution before making judgments about the justice department. We must wait until we have the full information on the case.
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