I Am A Peaceful AR-15 “Assault Rifle” Owner

I am an American. As such, none of my rights depend on a showing of need. I am a free man who has the right to define and pursue my happiness in any peaceful way I see fit. The government does not grant me rights. I was born free. The legitimate role of government is to act as my agent to protect my rights; which exist independent of government. Americans do not beg the government for rights nor are they required to demonstrate a “need” for rights.
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5 Things Every Responsible Gun Owner Ought To Know

This article is written to offer you some information based on my many years of personal experience representing people charged with gun-related crimes. You are not likely to get this information in most firearms classes. If after reading it you become extremely conservative about pulling out your firearm, I have accomplished my purpose.
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My Experience As A Criminal Defendant

Attorney Marc J. Victor's Personal Experience with Police Brutality, Arrest, and Prosecution. Attorney Marc J. Victor talks about how he was a victim of police brutality, and how he was arrested, jailed, and prosecuted for a crime he did not commit.
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Revolutionizing How We All Think About Lawyers and Clients

Trust must always be earned. There is no other way to obtain a trusting relationship other than to earn it over time and through sincere actions that build trust. If trust is broken, it can be extremely difficult or even impossible to regain it. As such, earning and maintaining trust must be a top priority and carefully cultivated in any relationship. The attorney-client relationship is no exception.
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Not Guilty On 83 Pounds of Marijuana and Still No Justice

After deliberating for a full day, the jury got it right. I interviewed the jury afterward. They didn’t believe the officer’s testimony. They realized the state’s case was based on mere speculation and not evidence. They acquitted Maria and went home. It was a complete win for the defense.
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My Journey To Libertarianville

I’ve always been a loudmouth. Even as a young boy, my mother would often say, “Someday, that mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble.” Today, as a criminal defense attorney, I use that “mouth of mine” to help get people OUT of trouble. It wasn’t always that way.
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My Contribution To Science

Back in chambers, I informally explained to the prosecutor and defense attorney why I hesitated to call their drug case. While the defense attorney sat shocked, the prosecutor informed me of his unqualified support. I eventually decided to retake the bench and recuse myself. I stated on the record that I intended to disclose my reasons for recusal in a detailed minute entry.
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The Immorality of Eating Steak and Why I Acknowledge Your Right to Eat It

Every once in a while, during some hotly contested debate with either a statist or another libertarian, the issue of animal rights arises. Like most libertarians I have met, I quickly and mindlessly dismissed the issue with a terse assertion about how the Principle is simply inapplicable to “animals.”
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