5 Things Every Gun Owner Should Know

Pulling out a firearm can be a life-changing event, and I want you to be very conservative. These are the 5 things I have distilled down for you to think about before pulling out your firearm.
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Vaccine and Mask Mandates Imposed by Businesses

We have been getting a lot of people contacting our law firm with questions about mask and vaccine mandates imposed by businesses and whether or not they can file a lawsuit.
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USCCA Self-Defense Policy Exposed

The USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association) is one of the most talked about Concealed Carry insurances on the market. But are you really covered when it matters the most?
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Why Drug Dealers Love the War on Drugs

Doug Casey sits down with Attorney Marc J. Victor to discuss the war on drugs and who really profits from it. The drug war has been a huge failure and should be ended as quickly as possible. Free people should be able to decide what substances they put into their bodies. The war on drugs is really nothing more than a war on humanity and freedom.
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My Thoughts on the 4th of July

ow embarrassing it is for most Americans today blindly celebrating the Declaration of Independence while also joyfully supporting a huge police state that far surpasses any crimes engaged in by King George III. It’s hard to imagine what people like Thomas Jefferson, Sam Adams, and Thomas Paine would think of our police state today and the so-called “Americans” who support it.
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Butler Shaffer, R.I.P.

We mourn the passing of our good friend Butler Shaffer, who died yesterday afternoon at the age of 84. Butler was a libertarian at a time when there were very few libertarians in the world. Like many supporters of the free market, he was first attracted to the Republican Party. He supported Barry Goldwater for President in 1964, but he soon came to realize that limited government was a chimera and that the State was by nature opposed to liberty.
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