5 Things Every Responsible Gun Owner Ought To Know

This article is written to offer you some information based on my many years of personal experience representing people charged with gun-related crimes. You are not likely to get this information in most firearms classes. If after reading it you become extremely conservative about pulling out your firearm, I have accomplished my purpose.
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My Experience As A Criminal Defendant

Attorney Marc J. Victor's Personal Experience with Police Brutality, Arrest, and Prosecution. Attorney Marc J. Victor talks about how he was a victim of police brutality, and how he was arrested, jailed, and prosecuted for a crime he did not commit.
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I Am A Peaceful AR-15 “Assault Rifle” Owner

I am an American. As such, none of my rights depend on a showing of need. I am a free man who has the right to define and pursue my happiness in any peaceful way I see fit. The government does not grant me rights. I was born free. The legitimate role of government is to act as my agent to protect my rights; which exist independent of government. Americans do not beg the government for rights nor are they required to demonstrate a “need” for rights.
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Don’t Be Your Own Worst Enemy

I cringe to think how many times clients come into my office to discuss their criminal matter with me only to learn they have done possibly irreparable damage to their case. I have found few people who are aware of their constitutional rights.
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Beware of the Dragon Slayer

I don’t represent many clients in misdemeanor cases anymore. Most of my time is spent defending major felony cases. However, once in a while I accept a misdemeanor case that is so obviously an injustice that any prosecutor would immediately dismiss the case; or so I thought.
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Are You Really For Freedom?

I suspect when most people pride themselves on loving freedom, they have in mind wimpy concepts like the rights of others to decide for themselves where to go on vacation or what model of automobile to buy. This wimpy concept of freedom doesn’t generate much controversy because most people personally agree with whatever decision another person makes in these areas.
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Are You A Thug?

Some people are thugs. As a practicing criminal defense attorney, I sometimes get to meet and talk with thugs. Most of the thugs I represent know they are thugs, and some of them are even proud to be thugs. Most people don’t think of themselves as “thugs.” This is because most thugs don’t realize they are thugs. As with most things, the first step to change is an acknowledgment of the facts. I encourage you to honestly consider whether you are truly a thug.
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Don’t Cherish the Second Amendment!

Whether a person cherishes the 2nd Amendment is of little importance to me. I am more interested in knowing what respect if any, they accord to the rights of others to control their bodies, their money, their property, and their time. There are endless arguments, restrictions, interpretations, and outright lies anti-freedom inclined people will advance in attempts to impose their will on others.
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A Celebration for Criminals

A recent article in the Arizona Republic quoted the presiding judge of the Maricopa County, Arizona Superior Court as stating, “The criminal justice system is in peril. And public safety is in peril.” Although the immoral criminal justice system squirms and struggles to avoid or reverse the collapse, the end result is inescapable. At some point in the future, I expect a complete and total collapse of the criminal “justice” system.
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