Hiring a Bail Bondsman

Should you hire a bail bondsman? This could be a difficult decision. If you are facing a choice between hiring a bail bondsman or hiring a lawyer, let me explain why I think you should hire the lawyer, instead of the bail bondsman, if you can’t afford to hire both.
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Stupid Crimes – Arizona Has More Crimes Than Most People Realize

“If I wasn’t a lawyer, wasn’t a judge, just as a taxpayer I’m astounded at how much effort and money goes into creating more and more criminal statutes, criminal offenses without taking a good look at why do we need this, do we have something that will cover this already,” Fields said.
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Anarchist Defense Attorney Changing The Corrupt System From The Inside

Criminal Defense Attorney Andrew Marcantel is a Criminal Defense Attorney at the Law Firm of Marc J. Victor P.C. in Chandler, Arizona. Jeff Berwick of Anarchast interviews Attorney Marcantel about being an Anarchist Defense Attorney and changing the corrupt system from the inside.
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Marc J. Victor On the Esteban Santiago Case

Attorney Marc J. Victor who represented Dr. Peter Steinmetz, who was arrested at Sky Harbor Airport for carrying his AR-15 Rifle peacefully and who was later cleared of all charges was interviewed about the shooting.
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The US Needs a Freedom Revival

I would strongly oppose any government effort to ban any substance for competent adults to ingest; especially in a case where I have personally decided not to use the substance anyway. It’s about my right to decide for myself. It’s a freedom thing! It ought to be an American thing too.
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Report: Guns in Home to Blame as Domestic Violence Deaths Surge in Phoenix

“The issue isn't the guns," Victor said. "The gun doesn't do anything. It sits on the table. It's the disposition of the person using the gun. Bad guys can use knives; they can use their hands to bash their wives.”
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4409 vs The Road Pirates

A Valley man claims his First Amendment rights are being trampled on after he was arrested following a confrontation with a photo radar operator in the city of Scottsdale. Shelton Obadiah is one of the Valley’s most vocal photo radar activists, and the creator of Youtube.com/RP4409, a site devoted to stopping photo radar. Obadiah told CBS 5 News that he believes the city of Scottsdale is out to get him and that is why he is facing charges of disorderly conduct.
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Pro Tem Recusal Minute Entry

This judge pro tem will not use the power of the state to initiate force against persons who have not trespassed or used unlawful force or fraud against others or their property. This judge pro tem has deeply held personal views which are in direct contradiction to the duties of a judge who presides over non-violent drug cases. The two positions cannot be reconciled.
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