Honolulu Sexual Assault in the First Degree Lawyers
In Hawaii, there are four classes of sexual assault crimes. These crimes range from 1st-degree to 4th-degree, with 1st-degree being the most serious. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree sexual assaults are felonies, whereas 4th-degree sexual assault is a misdemeanor. You can be charged with 1st-degree sexual assault by knowingly engaging in sexual penetration with a person 14 years of age or younger.
Sexual Assault in the First Degree
Being accused of a sex crime in Hawaii is a very serious offense. Although any sex crime is serious, when it involves children, the punishment for these crimes will be even more severe. In Hawaii, sexual crimes involving children under the age of 14-years old will be charged under §707-730 Sexual assault in the first degree which is a Class A felony.
Punishment if Convicted
First-degree sexual assault/Class A felony: Punishable by up to 20 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to $50,000. In addition, a 1st-degree sexual assault conviction will require lifetime sex offender registration.
The stigma associated with being convicted of a sex crime against a child can be life-altering. As a convicted felon and being on lifetime sexual offender registration you may not be able to rent an apartment or seek employment if a background check is required. In addition, you will have to endure the embarrassment of friends and family members finding out about your felony sex crimes conviction.
Have you been charged with the crime of Sexual Assault in Hawaii? If so, it is crucial that you consult with a criminal defense attorney who has vast experience in handling these types of criminal cases. With the possibility of decades of your life at stake, you cannot afford to roll the dice with an inexperienced attorney.
If you are facing sex crime charges in Hawaii, you should consult with a highly experienced and competent Hawaii sex crime attorney immediately. The lawyers at the Attorney for Freedom law firm have decades of experience representing people charged with serious sex crimes. Email us or call our office at 808-647-2423. Don’t trust your freedom to just any criminal defense attorney.
Hawai’i Office Address:
1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1260 Pauahi Tower
Honolulu, Hawai’i 96813
Phone: 808-647-2423
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