Honolulu Pre-Charge Attorney
Do you think you may be under investigation for a crime for which you have not yet been charged? If so, this is a really good time to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney. If the police suspect you were involved in a crime, you could be under investigation before any formal charges have been brought. Rather than wait for formal charges to be filed, you should contact an experienced pre-charge criminal defense attorney. An attorney experienced in helping people before formal charges are filed can begin examining evidence and planning a defense in your matter before you are ever charged. Getting a head start could make a big difference in your case in the event you do end up being charged.
Police are trained in interrogation methods and know what to say to get you to talk. You should never answer any questions without your attorney being present. An experienced pre-charge attorney may be able to present evidence and/or witnesses that could prevent the police from submitting your case for prosecution and close their investigation.
Even in the event the police submit your case to the prosecuting Attorney’s office, an experienced pre-charge attorney may be able to talk to the prosecutor and avoid charges ever being filed. This is done by presenting your story in the best light, and any evidence from our investigation that could cast doubt on their case against you.
If all else fails, and a warrant is obtained for your arrest, a pre-charge attorney could negotiate your surrender on favorable terms. We can set up bail ahead of time, so you are surrendered and released within hours; which means you will spend less time waiting to be released.
A Pre-charge attorney can:
- Contact the agent conducting the investigation to let them know you have hired counsel, and that all contact with you should be through your attorney now.
- Speak with any witnesses and gather exculpatory evidence.
- Prepare a statement if charges are filed at a later date.
- Let the prosecutor know you would like to present evidence to the Grand Jury if they decide to seek an indictment.
- Working with the prosecutor that allows you to cooperate in an investigation and not be prosecuted due to your assistance.
- Facilitate a voluntary polygraph and/or risk-assessment testing on a confidential basis so the results of the exams would not be revealed to the prosecution or investigator, unless helpful to you.
Having an experienced criminal defense attorney working your case before you are charged could be the difference of whether you will need to hire an attorney to fight a long criminal case. It could be the best money you ever spent, and your freedom could depend on it. The lawyers at the Attorneys for Freedom Law Firm have decades of pre-charge experience. Email us or call our office at 808-647-2423.
Hawai’i Office Address:
1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1260 Pauahi Tower
Honolulu, Hawai’i 96813
Phone: 808-647-2423
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I was with another company for 6 years, but found out that if my case went to retrial or if I was found guilty and wanted to appeal I would be responsible for all the legal cost. Not with AOR as they will continue to cover me and help with the appeal process.
There were also tons of other legal exclusions with my former company, but with AOR has its all covered which I love. They aren't an insurance company they are actual attorneys. I feel more secure with their legal services on my side.
Thank you.