The Jodi Arias Murder Trial

Jodi Arias was on trial for the murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander

Attorney Marc J. Victor has been quoted locally, nationally, and internationally on radio, television, in print, and in-person as a legal commentator and expert on many local and national high-profile cases. Mr. Victor was the legal commentator for several media outlets during the Jodi Arias murder trial and has been interviewed extensively during the Jodi Arias Trial for his legal analysis on this case from the beginning.

Jodi Arias was on trial for the murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander. The killing of Travis Alexander occurred on June 4, 2008, at his home in Mesa, Arizona. His wounds consisted of multiple stab wounds, a slit throat, and a shot to the head; the medical examiner ruled the death a homicide.

Jodi Arias, Alexander’s ex-girlfriend, was charged with his murder, and her trial began on January 2, 2013. Arias testified that she killed Alexander in self-defense. The case received widespread media attention. Her trial was a media circus and was followed all over the United States.

Though Arias’ defense claimed that she had killed her former boyfriend, Alexander, in self-defense, a jury convicted Arias of first-degree murder. Arias was up for the death penalty, but after two mistrials, a judge sentenced Arias to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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Joining AOR was not because I was unhappy with my old provider. I am very happy with AOR because I became convinced that their services are superior for what I want. I want to know that I am covered if some thing goes down and I have to act.
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I joined a few days ago after a careful review of other companies and I am glad that I joined AOR. I sent Marc an email introducing myself and shortly after sending that email Marc responded very quickly and thanked me for joining AOR. To me this is how business is done and you can see the compassion that AOR has to want to help and represent clients You won't find this anywhere else. I look forward to being a life long member of AOR. If you have not signed up with them what are you waiting for. I'm glad I joined. Join today for a peace of mind.
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Steven M.
Steven M.
new member after seeing on heavy duty country, been with other one for 7 or 8 years and my blood ran cold when i saw how they treated some clients. I pray i never have to pull my weapon but nice to know i'll be really protected if i ever am put in that situation.
Response from the owner: Thanks Steven. We appreciate your trust in us. We won't let you down. Please reach out anytime if you have questions. Marc