Unscrupulous Law Enforcement Officer

A cop in Maricopa County, Arizona pretended to be a lawyer to try to make an unlawful arrest

Unscrupulous law enforcement officer unethically pretends to be an attorney at The Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm. Maricopa County sheriff’s deputy, Jeff Miller, lied about being an attorney to try to lure a woman to be arrested.

A law enforcement officer unethically pretended to be an attorney employed by OUR law firm. Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office deputy Jeff Miller pretended to be a lawyer at our firm on a phone call with our client’s mother.

Miller pretended to be a lawyer representing the Attorneys for Freedom Law Firm to coerce a woman into coming into the law office for an interview regarding a legal matter involving her underage son. Miller, who described himself as “Attorney Brown”, called the woman’s home asking her to come to the law firm’s office and planned to arrest her on account of an outstanding warrant for an unrelated incident. Miller’s plan ultimately backfired when the woman felt that there was something suspicious about the call, and called back to the Attorney for Freedom’s office. The law firm then called the number back and found out it was the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.

“I haven’t ever seen anything close to this,” Andy Marcantel, a partner with Attorneys for Freedom told ABC-15 Arizona. “My partners at the law firm who have been practicing for almost three decades have not seen anything like this. My ethics counsel, who was ethics counsel for the state of Arizona State Bar with decades of experience has never seen anything like this. This is crazy, totally outrageous.”

The State Bar of Arizona released the following statement regarding Miller’s actions:

No person may practice law in the State of Arizona or represent in any way that he or she may practice law in the State of Arizona unless that person is an active member of the state bar or is otherwise authorized to do so by the Rules of the Supreme Court of Arizona.

Marcantel filed a complaint with the MSCO months ago regarding Miller’s egregious act of false identity but was told that the department’s investigators are “too busy” to attend to the matter, as the department is backlogged with over 2,000 misconduct cases that require investigation.

Hopefully, there will be consequences for this unscrupulous officer.

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I joined a few days ago after a careful review of other companies and I am glad that I joined AOR. I sent Marc an email introducing myself and shortly after sending that email Marc responded very quickly and thanked me for joining AOR. To me this is how business is done and you can see the compassion that AOR has to want to help and represent clients You won't find this anywhere else. I look forward to being a life long member of AOR. If you have not signed up with them what are you waiting for. I'm glad I joined. Join today for a peace of mind.
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Steven M.
Steven M.
new member after seeing on heavy duty country, been with other one for 7 or 8 years and my blood ran cold when i saw how they treated some clients. I pray i never have to pull my weapon but nice to know i'll be really protected if i ever am put in that situation.
Response from the owner: Thanks Steven. We appreciate your trust in us. We won't let you down. Please reach out anytime if you have questions. Marc