Chandler Disorderly Conduct with a Firearm Lawyer
Disorderly conduct is a broad crime, and you could be charged with this crime in many ways. Under A.R.S. §13-2904, a person commits disorderly conduct if, with intent to disturb the peace or quiet of a neighborhood, family, or person, or with knowledge of doing so, such person:
- Engages in fighting, violent or seriously disruptive behavior; or
- Makes unreasonable noise; or
- Uses abusive or offensive language or gestures to any person present in a manner likely to provoke immediate physical retaliation by such person; or
- Makes any protracted commotion, utterance or display with the intent to prevent the transaction of the business of a lawful meeting, gathering or procession; or
- Refuses to obey a lawful order to disperse issued to maintain public safety in dangerous proximity to a fire, a hazard, or any other emergency; or
- Recklessly handles, displays, or discharges a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument.
Disorderly Conduct with a Firearm is listed in paragraph 6 of A.R.S. §13-2904, the disorderly conduct statute. This charge applies to anyone who recklessly handles, displays, or discharges a deadly weapon, including a firearm, or a dangerous instrument. Disorderly Conduct with a Firearm under subsection A, paragraph 6 is a class 6 felony in Arizona.
Unlike disorderly conduct, which is a misdemeanor, disorderly conduct with a firearm or other dangerous instrument is a felony offense. Handling or discharging a weapon could also be charged as a dangerous crime, which could mean a mandatory prison sentence.
The minimum prison sentence for a first-time dangerous offense is 1 ½ years with a maximum incarceration of 3 years. In addition, you could pay very hefty fines, be put on probation, and be required to participate in a community service program.
This is why you should consult with a criminal defense attorney who is experienced in firearms law as soon as possible if you have been charged with Disorderly Conduct with a Firearm or any gun crime resulting from a self-defense-related matter in Arizona.
Our gun crime attorneys are standing by right now to consult with you on your gun-related offense that resulted from a self-defense-related matter. Email us or call our office at 480-755-7110 and our experienced team of gun crime lawyers will help you come up with the best solutions for your case.
Arizona Office Address:
3185 S. Price Rd.
Chandler, AZ 85248
Phone: 480-755-7110
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