5 Things Every Responsible Gun Owner Ought To Know

This article is written to offer you some information based on my many years of personal experience representing people charged with gun-related crimes. You are not likely to get this information in most firearms classes. If after reading it you become extremely conservative about pulling out your firearm, I have accomplished my purpose.
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My Experience As A Criminal Defendant

Attorney Marc J. Victor's Personal Experience with Police Brutality, Arrest, and Prosecution. Attorney Marc J. Victor talks about how he was a victim of police brutality, and how he was arrested, jailed, and prosecuted for a crime he did not commit.
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I Am A Peaceful AR-15 “Assault Rifle” Owner

I am an American. As such, none of my rights depend on a showing of need. I am a free man who has the right to define and pursue my happiness in any peaceful way I see fit. The government does not grant me rights. I was born free. The legitimate role of government is to act as my agent to protect my rights; which exist independent of government. Americans do not beg the government for rights nor are they required to demonstrate a “need” for rights.
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Thomas Jefferson Corrected

Mr. Jefferson's vision of a government that fears the people is not only inconsistent with a truly free society but is also unsustainable. A government that truly fears the people will be irresistibly attracted to ideas and actions which modify that imbalance. The temptation to invent wars, endless crises, or simply grab more power will be ever-present. A society in which both sides fear one another may arise. In any event, freedom and peace will certainly be short-lived.
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Surviving A Traffic Stop

The best piece of advice one can offer is to avoid being pulled over in the first place. A traffic stop offers nothing to be gained. The best-case scenario for the driver is to leave as if the stop never occurred losing only some time. On the other hand, the downside can be disastrous.
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The Truth About Public Defenders

It was over a quarter of a century ago when I first began representing people charged with criminal offenses. As a young inexperienced criminal defense attorney, I often wondered why someone would voluntarily part with their hard-earned money to hire me when they could likely secure a criminal defense attorney from the Public Defender’s Office for free. It seemed I had an impossible case to make to my prospective clients.
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Seeing The Bigger Picture – Freedom

The answer is simple; freedom raises standards of living. Said another way, the libertarians are right! Tyranny works really well for the disgusting anti-social maniacs at the top of the inner circle who benefit by coercing their fellow humans into doing or not doing things against their will.
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